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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

George Washington and Jerry Seinfeld

I recently visited the Heinz History Center in Pittsburgh, PA where there was an exhibit about George Washington (it will be there through July), and I was inspired by how much modern dentistry could have helped good old George.  This is part one of a four part series about how America's first President would have benefited from modern dentistry.  We'll start with the basics, oral hygiene, regular periodontal maintenance (cleanings) and professional dental examinations.

In the early to mid 1990s The Seinfeld Show was running at it's peak and it came to light that Jerry Seinfeld was an oral hygiene fanatic.  In fact he was so fanatical about his oral hygiene that the American Dental Association essentially made him the poster child for their preventive dentistry campaign.  There was actually a poster in our office with Jerry on it, the caption read "Look Ma, I flossed!"  How does this relate to George Washington? You may not believe it, but for the mid 1700's, George was about on par with Jerry when it came to the care of his teeth.

As we mentioned in the last post, George Washington had a litany of dental problems and he had many sets of 'not so wooden' dentures. This may lead you to conclude that he was not as adamant about his oral health care as Jerry Seinfeld, but you would be mistaken.  George, like Jerry, was also a fanatic, having found from a young age that he had difficulty with his teeth. He had his first tooth removed at age 22.  He worked especially hard to maintain his oral hygiene, almost always owning a toothbrush (not the norm for the day).  His brush would have had boars hair bristles and would have been nearly as effective as those we use today according to Dr. Scott Swank curator of the National Dental Museum in Baltimore.  George also had an ongoing relationship with several dentists, he was always seeking out who was "the best." This relationship was meant to handle any problems that arose with his teeth and to manufacture high quality, comfortable dental prosthetics (dentures and partials). 

This is Napoleon's toothbrush made with horse hair bristles, it is very similar to George Washington's boars hair toothbrush.  George's toothbrush is on display the Heinz History Center in Pittsburgh, PA through July.

In the 1700's a regular periodontal maintenance program and professional dental exam were not part of a dentist's repertoire.  For the mid 1700's in America though, George Washington was the Jerry Seinfeld of oral hygiene.  Unfortunately for George, he didn't have any of the advantages that we have today in preventive dentistry.  In addition, according to Dr. Scott Swank curator at the Smithsonian affiliate National Dental Museum in Baltimore, George Washington took a popular medicine called calomel (mercurous chloride) which would have been the major culprit in the destruction of his teeth through the years.  This medicine, was a sort of cure-all for the time.  It was given for many reasons sometimes as a laxative and sometimes as a soother for teething babies.  Research has since shown what a catastrophic effect calomel had on people's teeth.

If George had access to a Sonicare or Oral B electric toothbrush, dental floss, Fluoride toothpaste, and even Listerine or Act mouth washes, his dental history would have been dramatically different. Regular periodontal maintenance, dental x-rays, and oral cancer screenings would have also provided tremendous benefit. These simple measures, which you most likely take for granted, would have made it possible for George Washington to restore (fix) his cavities when they were smaller, stabilize and maintain his periodontal status, and prevent the slow onslaught of destruction that oral disease wrought on him. So we can all thank goodness that we're in this fascinating modern era of dentistry with everything from x-rays to dental implants to local anesthetic (novocaine) helping us fight this ongoing battle with oral disease. Chips Dental Associates takes advantage of many of the latest advances in modern dentistry that George as well as Jerry would appreciate.

Next week we're going to be touching on what might have been one of George Washington's favorite subjects (had it existed then) the Root Canal Therapy.

Brought to you as a community service by Chips Dental Associates, LLC.

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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

George Washington's (not so) Wooden Teeth

This past weekend I had the opportunity to visit the Heinz History Center in Pittsburgh, PA. They had a wonderful exhibit about America's first commander-in-chief, George Washington. What an interesting character he was, from the tender age of 19 he was an active part of American history and our local Pittsburgh history. As a dentist, I was most captivated by what seemed to be the centerpiece (forgive my skewed point of view) of the exhibit, the litany of his teeth. I was so inspired by how modern dentistry could have helped old George so dramatically in his lifetime that I'll be changing the format of my blog for the next few weeks to talk about it. Part One will be finished shortly, so bookmark my site! In regards to the title here, it is a myth that George Washington had wooden teeth. His teeth were made of many substances throughout his lifetime, but wood was never used for the teeth in George Washington's dentures.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tips for Caregivers on Oral Health

Q: I'm caring for an elderly, infirm parent. Any tips for me on their dental care?
A: Here is how to brush someone else's teeth: Make sure the lighting is good in the room you choose, it does not need to be a bathroom. Wherever your parent feels comfortable is the right place. Wash your hands and put on sanitary, disposable gloves. Stand or sit so that you have a good view of all of the teeth. Put only a small amount of toothpaste on the brush. Brush all surfaces of each tooth and angle the brush. Brush gently at the gum line (this is an area that is particularly susceptible to decay in this type of patient) front and back. Gently brush the tongue after you've done the teeth. Help them to rinse with plain water.
Consider, with your parent's consent, of course, whether a power toothbrush might make the work easier and more efficient. Arrange for a professional checkup at least twice a year, Chips Dental Associates is happy to make arrangements for these patients in either of our offices. You can also speak with us about making special arrangements for having a home-bound relative seen.
As a Chips Dental Associates patient, you have access to our preventive program for adult patients. This involves regular applications of a highly concentrated topical fluoride varnish that has been shown to reduce the rate of decay. Many times cavities found in this aging population can be managed with a fluoride releasing material that will also reduce the rate of decay. The doctors at Chips Dental Associates have special training in the use of these and other modalities of treatment specifically targeted at this segment of the population.
Brought to you as a community service by Chips Dental Associates, LLC.
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Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Q: What is a periodontist?

A: A periodontist is a dentist who specializes in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of gum disease.  The word itself comes from the Greek roots, "peri," meaning around, and "odont," the word for tooth.  Periodontistry is one of several areas of dental specialty that require two to three years of training beyond the education required for a General Dentist.  Since some 75 percent of tooth loss is due to gum disease and the deterioration of the tooth's support system, the periodontist is a critical part of our oral health care system.

If periodontal disease is caught early, there are many non-surgical ways to treat it.  The periodontist, general dentist, or hygienist may be able to scrape plaque from tooth roots to reduce the amount of bacteria in these areas, which when combined with regular care can help to keep your periodontal disease stable.  If the disease is more advanced, surgical techniques, including bone grafting, may be used to replace lost bone.  It is important for your periodontal status to be stable to be a candidate for dental implants. 

In the best of worlds, you'd like to not need the services of a periodontist, the best way to avoid that is to visit Chips Dental Associates regularly and observe a sound regimen of home care by brushing and flossing regularly.

Brought to you as a community service by Chips Dental Associates, LLC.

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Monday, May 10, 2010

What is the Pulp of the tooth?

Q: What is the pulp of the tooth?

A: Inside every tooth, protected by the casing of enamel, is a mass of tissue that holds the nerves and blood vessels that are essential to the health of the tooth.  People generally refer to the pulp as the 'nerve' of the tooth because it's extremely sensitive and painful when exposed.  Through tiny openings in the tips of the roots of the teeth, the vessels and nerves in the tooth connect with the arteries, veins, and nerves of the jaw, and on to the circulatory and nervous system of the body.  The pulp brings nutrients that help with the ongoing formation of dentin, the highly calcified material that accounts for about 75% of the bulk of a tooth.

If the pulp becomes infected and dies, the dentin will not get the nutrition it needs.  It will gradually dry up and the tooth will become brittle.  If the dead pulp is not removed through a root canal therapy procedure, the tooth may turn yellow, gray, or black.  Once a root canal therapy procedure is complete, since the tooth is without a nervous system or blood supply, it is a necessity to protect your tooth with a crown or 'cap' that helps to strengthen this tooth.  The crown, once placed, reduces the risk of tooth fracture after a root canal therapy significantly.  Without having the crown placed, your tooth would be at very high risk of fracture and may possibly need to be removed if it fractures.  One of the goals of a good oral hygiene program is to prevent decay of the enamel and dentin that protect the pulp. 

Brought to you as a community service by Chips Dental Associates, LLC.

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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Importance of Mouth Guards

Q: Why are mouth guards important for athletes?

A: For athletes engaged in certain high-contact sports like hockey and football, the benefits of wearing a mouth guard are obvious. Dental injuries can be permanent and, in some cases, though, they are costly.

The American Dental Association advocates the wearing of mouth guards as the most effective defense against sports-related dental injuries. They cushion blows that might otherwise result in chipped or broken teeth and severe lacerations to the lip or tongue. Additionally, the ADA notes that athletes at all levels, organized or unorganized, recreational or competitive, are at risk for dental injury. Even individual recreational activities like skating and gymnastics can expose a person to a mouth injury.

Ideally an athlete should be wearing a mouth guard during any physical activity, from riding bikes to playing football. The standard "boil-and-bite" type mouth guard offers the minimum protection required to help prevent dental and other injuries, but are not the most effective and can be uncomfortable to wear. The most comprehensive protection and comfortable fit is achieved by a custom made mouth guard. These are made from an impression or mold of your teeth taken at Chips Dental Associates. The dental laboratory technician can then manufacture a mouth guard just for your teeth. It will stay in on it's own and does not obstruct breathing. Although these are more costly than those available in the sporting goods store, they more than make up for the added costs with added protection. As mentioned before, if it prevents one dental injury, it has paid for itself.

Mouth guards also play a role in minimizing the occurrence or severity of concussion. Some experts maintain the shock absorption quality of a mouth guard can take the sting off some blows that cause concussion.

Chips Dental Associates, LLC is committed to helping our community protect their teeth and reduce the risk of concussions. We have partnered with local schools to provide custom mouth guards for student athletes at a reduced fee. If you are a student or parent from a local school, please contact our office for more information.

Brought to you as a community service by Chips Dental Associates, LLC.

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Monday, April 26, 2010

Salivary Glands

Q: Where does saliva come from?

A: Saliva, a mixture of water, mucous and other substances, is secreted into your mouth through your salivary glands. You have three pairs of major salivary glands - the parotids, which are the largest and are in your cheeks; the sublingual, which are under your tongue, and the submandibular, which are under your jaw. Additionally, numerous minor glands inside your lips and cheeks also contribute to what is normally a steady, small flow of saliva. The presence of - and sometimes just the anticipation of - food, can stimulate the glands to produce a heavy amount, hence the descriptive phrase "mouth-watering."

Saliva has many functions. The most important is to moisten the food we eat so that we can shape it into a ball, called a bolus, for swallowing. Saliva also helps us taste food. Our taste buds react only to moist food. Saliva also is important in helping to fight tooth decay. It helps your tongue wash away food particles and because saliva is slightly alkaline, it neutralizes some of the acids produced in your mouth by bacteria.

Patients who have had cancer in the head and neck region and have received radiation therapy are at risk for developing xerostomia or chronic dry-mouth. This happens because the function of their salivary glands has been reduced due to this treatment. Patients who are on a variety of medications can also develop this problem as a side effect or from the interaction of multiple medications. When this happens, patients are at risk for developing a higher rate of decay and may benefit from a fluoride preventive program. Chips Dental Associates has an excellent program to help these patients. Additionally there are many saliva replacement products available. If you are suffering from chronic dry-mouth or think you are, ask your hygienist or one of the doctors the next time you visit Chips Dental Associates for more information and some samples.

Brought to you as a community service by Chips Dental Associates, LLC.

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Monday, April 19, 2010

Does Gum Disease Affect my Overall Health

Q: Does Gum Disease affect my overall health?

A: Current literature suggests a strong relationship between gum disease or periodontal disease and overall health. There are relationships between gum disease and heart disease, diabetes, pregnancy outcomes, kidney function, and even Alzheimer's disease.

Periodontal disease is a chronic infection inside the gums. The disease has a hereditary component but is also contageous. The hereditary component is immune mediated and is a shortfall of certain functions of the immune system. This allows bacteria to infiltrate this delicate area and slowly breaks down the tissues that connect your tooth to your mouth. The contageous component shows up in families or couples. The exchange of the virulent bacteria through utensils and personal contact will inocculate those closest to you and potentiate the process of developing periodontal disease.

The following diagram shows the progression of the disease from healthy gums and tissues through advanced periodontal disease. It was taken from an ADA pamphlet published about Periodontal disease.

The scientific research indicates that patients with periodontal disease are twice as likely to have heart disease. The internal cells of the blood vessels become disfunctional in the presence of chronic inflammation. Periodontal disease is a form of chronic inflammation which therefore leads to disfunction of these cells in the blood vessels and the development of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). Atherosclerosis is a risk factor for coronary artery and cardiovascular disease.

Patients with diabetes are at higher risk for developing periodontal disease. Their immune system is less able to handle the chronic inflammation and therefore their tissues are more succeptible to this disease. With good oral hygiene and regular check-ups there is no additional risk, however when proper oral hygiene protocol and regular check-ups are not maintained, the risk of developing periodontal disease increases significantly. This maintenance can help patients with diabetes to better maintain their blood sugar levels as well.

There are higher risks of lower birth weight and pre-term birth in patients with periodontal disease. There is a documented relationship between the periodontal status of an expectant mother and her newborn baby's weight as well as the incidence of premature birth. This simply means that if you are expecting, it's important to maintain your oral hygiene for the health of your child. Regular check-ups and good oral hygiene will help to reduce this risk.

It is clear that kidney function and Alzheimer's disease are both related to periodontal disease, however the link is still being studied. The link is particularly noticeable in patients with impaired kidney function or if they are on dialysis.

Another relationship to realize is that each of these diseases can have a multiplier effect on your risk of developing the other. For example, a patient with uncontrolled diabetes and rampant periodontal disease will be at much higher risk of having heart disease.

Most Physicians are not trained to recognize the signs of periodontal disease, recognizing the diseases associated with periodontal disease can be an important method of screening patients who are at risk for periodontal disease. If your Physician diagnoses you with one of these other diseases it would be beneficial to schedule a periodontal screening with Chips Dental Associates. The staff at Chips Dental Associates are highly trained at recognizing the signs of periodontal disease and can help you to maintain your oral and overall health.

Brought to you as a community service by Chips Dental Associates, LLC.

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Monday, April 12, 2010

A Primer on New Dentures

Q: What are some common problems with new dentures?

A: New dentures are most likely going to feel a bit awkward for the first few weeks. The muscles of your cheeks and tongue have to learn to keep them in place. Soreness and irritation are also not uncommon at the beginning. Eating will also take a little getting used to. Dr. Chips will probably suggest you start off with soft foods cut into small pieces. As you become more comfortable, you can return all your favorites to your diet.

You might also find pronouncing certain words to be challenging. Reading out loud and repeating the troublesome words can help. Dr. Chips will advise you on how long to wear your dentures. At the outset, he may recommend that you wear them most of the time, including while sleeping. After an initial adjustment period, your dentist will most likely want you to remove your dentures at night.

For whatever minor inconveniences your new dentures might cause, just remember that they are going to improve your smile and help you eat properly. The Drs. Chips will be able to answer whatever other questions you may have about dentures. Many patients are very happy with a new set of dentures as tooth replacement therapy, however make sure that you investigate all of your options before deciding upon which tooth replacement is the best for you. Crowns, bridges, implants and partials are all acceptable and beneficial for replacing any teeth that are in poor condition and in need of replacement.

Brought to you as a community service by Chips Dental Associates, LLC.

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Monday, April 5, 2010

Dental Care and Overall Health

Q: Does dental health carry implications beyond the mouth?

A: The simple answer to this is a resounding YES. Studies have shown that taking good care of your teeth and gums can lower your risk for heart disease. Researchers have found that people who suffer from gum disease, also called periodontal disease, are twice as likely to suffer from coronary artery disease as those without gum disease. The bacteria that breed under the gums can spread to other parts of the body, including the blood vessels of the heart.

Also, earlier this year, the journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology cited the case of a California woman who had a stillborn birth. Doctors determined that the baby's stomach and lungs contained the same strain of oral bacteria that the 35-year-old mother had in her untreated gum disease.

It's not uncommon for pregnant women to experience bleeding gums as a result of hormonal changes. If you're in that situation, check with the Drs. Chips about the cause of bleeding. For the rest of us, it's a good idea to talk with the Drs. Chips and your primary care physician about the importance of oral health in overall well-being.

Brought to you as a community service by Chips Dental Associates, LLC.

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Monday, March 29, 2010

Burns in the Mouth

Q: What's the first aid for a burned roof of the mouth?

A: We've all bitten into a sizzling piece of pizza and had hot mozzarella scorch the roof of the mouth right behind the front teeth. Or maybe it happened with a bowl of piping hot soup or a cup of coffee. The result is the annoying and moderately painful burn on the roof of the mouth. The first piece of advice, of course, is to not be so hasty with hot food or beverages. Be a little more patient and let them cool.

But if the damage has been done, the first thing to do is get some cold liquid in your mouth to bathe the area. This will help reduce the pain, minimizing any swelling and tissue damage and help numb the area. If the burn is really uncomfortable, you might go to your neighborhood pharmacy and get some Orabase, an oral bandage. The next day, start rinsing the inside of your mouth with a half teaspoon of salt dissolved in a glass of warm water. Rinse four or five times daily for a few days and the area should heal nicely. Talk with the Drs. at Chips Dental Associates about how to treat burns inside the mouth and about other procedures for dealing with the unexpected oral calamity that can arise.

Brought to you as a community service by Chips Dental Associates, LLC.

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Monday, March 22, 2010

Effects of a Lost Tooth

Q: What happens if I lose a tooth?

A: In the normal healthy mouth, teeth support one another. The loss of a tooth can come from sudden trauma, or from neglect, letting a tooth decay to the point of crumbling or ignoring gum disease that can eventually destroy a tooth's support system. If you lose a permanent tooth, you should contact Chips Dental Associates as soon as possible. Once one tooth is gone, the teeth adjacent to it will begin to shift and loosen. The end result, over time, is a domino effect of lost teeth. Not only will missing teeth put a serious dent in your smile, they may hamper your ability to speak and chew.

Depending on the circumstances, the Doctors at Chips Dental Associates may be able to correct your situation with a crown if part of the tooth is left, or a bridge. A bridge is an appliance that would be anchored on the neighboring teeth and would fill the spot where the tooth has been lost. Another option is an implant, which involves the installation of a metal post in your jaw that would anchor an artificial tooth. There must be sufficient jawbone for the procedure to be feasible, but an evaluation by the Drs. Chips would help determine whether you are a candidate. If you visit Chips Dental Associates at least twice a year for routine examinations and cleanings, tooth loss will most likely not be a problem.

Brought to you as a community service by Chips Dental Associates, LLC.

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Monday, March 15, 2010


Q: What is an inlay?

A: An inlay is a filling for a tooth that is made outside the mouth and then cemented into place. In some situations this is preferable to a directly placed filling because it offers added strength and durability. Perhaps the best known of the inlays is a cast-gold inlay that has a time honored role in tooth restoration. Inlays can also be made from porcelain, which will be more natural looking than a gold inlay.

Gold makes for a very strong inlay, sometimes lasting as long as 50+ years, however it is also necessary to make sure that you visit Chips Dental Associates regularly to maintain your inlay. Porcelain inlays are made through a similar process to gold inlays, however they are made with ceramic material. Both Gold and Porcelain inlays are made in a laboratory from a custom mold that was provided from the Drs. Chips. These are fabricated in the laboratory to a high degree of accuracy so that the restoration will be free of leaks and has the best chance possible of lasting you a long time. The indirect process makes it possible to make a more durable restoration and with modern dental materials and laboratory techniques the fit and retention will be superior to simple fillings.

Inlays are stronger and tend to last longer than a simple filling, however they will be a more expensive option to restore your teeth. Regardless of your choice, without regular dental care and exams, no restoration can be expected to last long. If you have a tooth that is in need of restoration, speak with the Drs. Chips at your next dental visit about which option is best for you.

Brought to you as a community service by Chips Dental Associates, LLC.

For more information or questions, please visit

Monday, March 8, 2010

Good Practices for Adolescents

Q: Do adolescents have special concerns for oral health?

A: No one has to tell the parent of an adolescent that this stage of life has its challenges. Hormones are raging and the body is changing. That's why good nutrition and oral hygiene are especially important during the teen years. Cavities and gum disease are not limited to adults. Surveys have shown that bleeding gums are most prevalent among adolescents and that 75% of 13- to 17-year-olds have had gums that bled.

Between school and activities, adolescents lead busy lives. Their tendency to snack can lead them away from a good diet and regular meals. If they are wearing braces, remind them to keep the spaces between the teeth and wires clean by using floss threaders. There are also special orthodontic toothbrushes available on the market that make cleaning braces and teeth easier. If your teen is active in sports, you should speak with the Drs. Chips about what sort of mouth guard is appropriate.

A "boil-and-bite" type mouth guard, such as those typically found in the sporting goods store, is the starting point for protection of your adolescent's dentition. The custom made mouthguards available through Chips Dental Associates offer superior protection and can reportedly in some cases enhance athletic performance. A mouth guard helps not only to protect teeth, but also helps to guard against concussion. It is important to realize that participating in any athletic activity without a mouth guard makes you 60 times more likely to have dental trauma. The highest level of protection will come from a custom made mouth guard that can be obtained at Chips Dental Associates.

For more information or questions please visit

Brought to you as a community service by Chips Dental Associates, LLC

Monday, March 1, 2010

You and Your Toothbrush

Q: Is there anything special I should know about toothbrushes?

A: Your toothbrush is your first line of defense in your effort to keep your mouth clean and healthy. It's one of the first things you reach for in the morning and one of the last things you use at night. Combined with faithful flossing, brushing your teeth regularly will keep your smile bright and sturdy.

Here are some facts to keep in mind: The American Dental Association recommends that you get a new toothbrush every 3 to 4 months. If the bristles get frayed, though, you should replace the brush right away. Frayed bristles can injure gums and don't clean as effectively. A plethora of toothbrushes are on the market, both powered and manual. Some offer a particular benefit if you have an issue with your manual dexterity. There is very little difference in the results from a powered or manual toothbrush as long as the brushing process is thorough. Studies show that in addition to making sure that you brush all surfaces of your teeth, it should take two minutes to completely debride all of these surfaces. Set yourself a timer to help make sure you are doing this correctly.

Whichever your choice, look for the ADA seal of acceptance on the package. The seal means the organization has established the product's claims to safety and effectiveness. Ask Dr. Chips or our dental hygienist about the type of toothbrush that is right for you and get some tips on technique.

Presented as a community service by Chips Dental Associates, LLC.

For more information or questions visit

Monday, February 22, 2010

Foods Good For Oral Health

Q: How much does diet affect dental health?

A: Your decisions about what you eat affect not only your dental health, but your overall health as well. So here are some things to consider when planning your meals. There are lots of products on the market designed to whiten teeth. In addition, there are some foods that will do it naturally. Apples, oranges, carrots, celery and high-fiber greens like broccoli, lettuce, and spinache contribute to teeth whiteness. That's because they require lots of chewing, which stimulates saliva production and inhibits stain-producing bacteria.

Fruits, vegetables, legumes - peas and beans - and nuts are good for general health and therefore good for your mouth. Milk and cheese are good sources of calcium, which helps keep bones strong and healthy. Studies have found that eating fresh cranberries interrupts the bonding of oral bacteria before they can form plaque. If you crave sugary or high carbohydrate food, it's better to eat them as part of a meal rather than alone. The saliva you produce while consuming a meal will help neutralize the acids those foods will generate before they can damage enamel. Talk with the Drs. Chips about good dietary choices.

Brought to you as a community service by Chips Dental Associates, LLC.

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Monday, February 15, 2010

Denture Replacement

Q: How often do dentures need to be replaced?

A: When properly cared for, dentures will last a long time. Even with good care, however, they will need professional care and possibly replacement over time. Your mouth naturally changes with age. The ridge of your gums can atrophy or shrink, as can the jaw bones. As these changes occur, dentures can become loose fitting. Loose dentures can lead to sores and infection. They can also make chewing difficult and change your facial features.

The Drs. Chips can explain to you the difference between relining, remaking, and rebasing your dentures as needed. To make a rebased denture, the Drs. Chips will use the teeth from your existing denture and make a new base. Naturally if you break or otherwise damage a denture, it may need to be replaced. Though they are sturdy enough in your mouth, the danger with dentures is handling them outside the mouth. When you are removing your dentures, you should lean over a folded towel. A drop of even a few inches onto a hard surface could damage a denture. Regular visits to Chips Dental Associates are important for denture wearers. You want to make sure that your dentures are in good condition, your mouth is in good condition and have oral cancer screenings done at regular intervals.

Brought to you as a community service by Chips Dental Associates, LLC.

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Monday, February 8, 2010

Start Dental Care in Infancy

Q: When should a child first see a dentist?

A: The American Dental Association recommends that a child see a dentist within six months after the eruption of the first tooth. Bear in mind that the first teeth to erupt, primary or "baby" teeth, are as important as the permanent teeth that follow. Generally primary teeth start showing up between the ages of six months and a year. Not only do the teeth help a child chew and speak, they are placeholders for the permanent teeth that are developing under them.

Baby teeth can develop cavities, just as permanent teeth can. Once an infant's diet contains anything other than breast milk, the new teeth are at risk for decay, sometimes called early-childhood caries or baby-bottle tooth decay. A visit to Chips Dental Associates with a toddler is also an opportunity for a parent to get a demonstration from the Drs. Chips on how to care for your child's mouth and how to show the child what to do. The Drs. Chips can also assess whether a thumb-sucking habit is having a harmful impact on a child's teeth. Also the sooner your child starts becoming comfortable in the dental office environment, the easier it will be for him or her as they age. Talk with the Drs. Chips about your child's dental health.

Brought to you as a community service by Chips Dental Associates.

For more information or questions, visit

Monday, February 1, 2010

Danger of Sports Drinks

Q: Are these so-called sports drinks okay for kids' teeth?

A: Sports drinks, some researchers say, serve a beneficial role in some circumstances. Consumed during or after an intense workout of an hour or more, a child may take in more fluid with a sports drink than if offered water alone. But the fact is that most sports drinks are essentially sugar water with electrolytes added. Kids don't really need supplemental electrolytes, they get plenty in food. Sugary sports drinks are very tough on teeth as well.

It will vary by brand, but generally one 20-ounce bottle of a sports drink contains about 10- teaspoons of sugar and 130 calories. Research has shown that when sipped over a long period of time, sports drinks can do more damage to enamel than a carbonated cola product. Any sugary drink will have a corrosive effect on enamel, especially if it is sipped through the course of a day. The American Dental Association continues to recommend that we drink 8 to 12 glasses of water a day to stay hydrated. If the water is fluoridated, it also helps to prevent tooth decay. Ask Drs. Chips for tips on diet - drinks and solid food - that are most conducive to oral and general health.

For more information or questions visit

Brought to you as a community service by Chips Dental Associates.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Early Signs of Periodontal Disease

Q: How can I tell if I'm getting gum disease?

A: By the time you suspect you may have gum disease, also called periodontal disease, the condition may be well advanced. The only way you would know in the early stage of the disease is if you visit Chips Dental Associates and our hygienist or the Drs. let you know. At the outset, there is normally no pain or other symptoms. Only a dental exam can determine if the disease is present. As it advances, gum disease can make the gum tissue separate from the teeth. This creates pockets in which bacteria can settle. Once entrenched, the disease attacks the tissue and bone that support the teeth. Advanced cases of periodontal disease can severely loosen teeth.

The good news is that periodontal disease is eminently preventable. Regular brushing, flossing and visits to Chips Dental Associates can greatly reduce your chances of developing periodontal disease. Women, incidentally because of the various changing phases of life, are at greater risk for gum disease. From the onset of menstruation through the teenage years, pregnancy and menopause, a woman's hormonal changes affect her oral health. The reason is that hormones impact the bacteria that grow on the teeth and in the mouth. Come in and speak with the Drs. Chips about the best practices to avoid gum disease.

For questions, more information, or appointments visit

Brought to you as a community service by Chips Dental Associates, LLC.

Monday, January 18, 2010

The Dental Emergency

Q: What do I do if I have a dental emergency?

A: The time to prepare for a dental emergency is now, before it happens. In any of the following instances, call your dentist as soon as possible.

If you or your child knocks out a tooth, retrieve the tooth and hold it by the crown, not the root. If it's dirty, rinse it off but don't scrub off any tissue fragments that may be on it. If possible put the tooth back into its socket in the jaw. If not, put it in a container with milk or "save a tooth" solution. Water is not the best choice for putting your knocked out tooth in as it breaks down the remaining periodontal ligament cells which are important for ensuring that the tooth will reattach.

For a toothache, rinse the mouth with warm water to clean it out. Floss the problem area to make sure a piece of food (such as a popcorn kernel) is not lodged against the tooth. Do not put aspirin against the tooth or gum, this can actually burn the tissue. Call Chips Dental Associates for an appointment as soon as possible.

If you break a tooth, again, rinse the area with warm water to keep it clean. Use cold compresses in this situation and in any other instance of trauma to keep swelling down. You should keep Chips Dental Associates's phone number (724-443-5710 or 412-364-7144) in a visible spot along with other emergency numbers. The next time you visit us, ask us about materials - like gauze, beeswax, topical anesthetics, and save a tooth solution - that are good to have at home in a dental emergency kit.

For more information, appointments or questions, visit us on the web at

Brought to you as a community service by Chips Dental Associates, LLC.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Cracked Teeth

Q: Can a tooth crack?

A: Though tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the human body, and teeth do pretty tough work, a tooth is absolutely capable of cracking. A crack can develop suddenly. For instance, let's say you chew on a popcorn kernel, a pencil, an ice cube, hard candy-any of a number of really hard objects-if you hit it at the right angle, you could crack a tooth. Also, teeth are under tremendous pressure, given their roles as food processors and the grinding you may put them through. Over time, they can weaken and crack even without chewing on any of the hard objects mentioned above. In fact, if you have a tooth that is overly sensitive to hot and cold, it may be cracked.

Cracks can vary in length. If a crack is above the gum line, a piece of tooth may break off. Drs. Chips may be able to treat it with a filling or a crown. If the crack extends down into the root, Drs. Chips may reccommend a root canal or periodontal surgery. Generally there is no guarantee, regardless of the work that is done, that a cracked tooth can ultimately be saved. Call Chips Dental Associates and schedule an appointment today to discuss any questions you might have about cracked teeth.

Brought to you as a community service by Chips Dental Associates.

For more information or questions, please visit us on the web at

Monday, January 4, 2010

A Fresh Start

Q: How frequently should I visit the dentist?

A: Most experts agree that twice a year is a general frequency for dental exams. That would vary, of course, depending on an individuals oral health condition. Here's the important thing: If you haven't seen your dentist for a while, go now. It's the season for fresh starts. If you're going to keep one resolution in 2010, let it be to visit the dentist. Make an appointment for a cleaning and an exam.

During the cleaning, either your dentist or a dental hygienist will scrape plaque and tartar off your teeth. The process will not only leave your mouth feeling fresh and your teeth smooth and crisp, but removing plaque and tartar from the gum line will also reduce your chances of developing periodontal disease and cavities.

If you're visiting your dentist at least twice a year, think January and July, any problem he or she may detect has had only six months to develop. It is a lot easier to solve a problem of short duration than it is to solve a long-standing one. Your oral health is an important facet of your overall health and having your regular exam and cleaning will help you maintain a healthier lifestyle. Periodontal disease is clearly linked to heart disease and diabetes, so if you have one of these other conditions it is even more important to maintain regular dental visits. So while we're on the subject of resolutions, the start of the New Year would also be a good time to call your physician, as well as your dentist, for an exam.

Brought to you as a community service by Chips Dental Associates, LLC.

For more information or questions, please visit us on the web at